Capture Inspiration: United For Humanity’s Photo Contest

Join the Movement, Share Your Vision, Win a Hoodie!

How to Participate

Submit Your Photos

Share your most inspiring photographs through our form below.

Engage the Community

Get likes on your photos and show some your love for others.

Weekly Winners

The United For Humanity team will announce new winners every week.

Participate Now

In Collaboration With

Your photography has the power to inspire and unite. Join us in this exciting journey and let your lens tell stories that make a difference. United For Humanity is not just a platform; it’s a community where every photo, every story, and every heart contributes to a better tomorrow.

Capture moments of hope, unity, and compassion, and share them with the world. Each week, the UFH team will select the most inspiring photo to win a stylish United For Humanity hoodie. Let your creativity shine and be a part of a global movement for positive change!

Recent Winners

How to Participate:

1. Fill out and submit the form above.


2. Post your photo on INSTAGRAM using any one of the hashtags below.

*Your profile must be set to PUBLIC viewing. 

*Must be a NEW posting to your account. Adding the hashtags to previously posted photos cannot be captured and entered into the contest.

#UFHStorytellers – #UFHChangemakers –  #UFHUnites

Terms and Conditions

Inspirational Content: Photos must be uplifting and positive (no graphic or disturbing content).
Rights and Permissions: You retain all rights to your photos. UFH will seek your written consent for any marketing use.
Privacy Assurance: Your personal information stays private and won’t be shared with third parties.
Age Requirement: Participants must be 18 or older.
Prize Limitations: Winners can be from anywhere, but prizes are shipped only within the US.
Duration: Contest runs from January 1, 2024, to June 1, 2024.
Winner Contact: UFH will contact winners privately for shipping details and hoodie size. Please make sure you leave us your correct contact details in the submission form.